Saturday, 30 July 2011

Google Adwords to increase AdSense Earning's Tips 2012

Google Adwords to increase AdSense Earning's Tips 2012

Google AdWords will help you to increase your website or blog visitors.What the thing to actually

you have to do to get back the same visitors again is by having website or blog look cool and too

useful content that visitors really interested to read itSo the Google AdWords will make your

website name remember to all people who viewed your content increasing your website or blog

reputation.So use Google AdWords to promote your blog or website after fully launching your

website or blog which make people to again visit your website or blog by remembering the name of it.

How to Get Success In Google AdSense Programs New Tricks 2012

How to Get Success In Google AdSense Programs New Tricks 2012

Many people asked me the same question that how to get success in AdSense Programs like Google

AdSense.The main thing in the Internet to dominate all other websites in your area which can be

done by unique content made by you, which acts as the king in the Internet applications.So how to

be in such dominating positions is another dilemma.This can be done by daily updating your blog or

website content by making posts daily at least 20-50 pages,which makes more than 1000 pages a

month.The more your content the more chances the visitors will arrive your site.The next is the

inbound links which can be made by commenting on 100's of other related blogs or websites

I did Invalid Activity,My AdSense May Ban.What To Do Now?

I did Invalid Activity,My AdSense May Ban.What To Do Now?

The invalid activity is limited,suppose clicking on your own ads unexpectedly supposed to be click

on another one.But it is limited to one or two times.It doesn't matters.But asking people to click ads

on your site or blog will definitely ban your account.If you are sure that your account will get

banned.This means you violated Google AdSense TOS,So please cancel your google AdSense

account.By cancelling your AdSense account,what ever the earnings present in your account more

than $20 will reach you safely to your home,if you have no pin hold on your account.

Easy ways to save money every day By Google Adsense

Easy ways to save money every day By Google Adsense

Right now in down economy and lay off from jobs, many people are looking to earn bit more money to stretch their budget bit further. I am sure many of us know of these tips, these certainly are not new or invented now; our grand parents and great grand parents before have done a few of these tips to save money in their times as well. With new technology and internet, we have little different options for money savings and earning.

Google AdSense is the Google program where you can host pay-per-click ads on your Website. When someone clicks an ad, you earn money. Simple as that.

Is it really as easy to make money with Google AdSense as many would lead you to believe? Now that I've become heavily involved with managing Google AdSense programs for my clients, I can see it's not all play and no work.

Unfortunately, a lot of people bought into the idea that there was a lot of easy money to be made and they are now finding out they aren't making nearly as much as they thought they would. Additionally, Google has a lot of prohibited practices when it comes to AdSense, and too many Webmasters are finding out they violated Google's policies after the fact - often because they never bothered to read the AdSense policies in the first place.

Webmasters must not only comply with AdSense policies, but their Websites must also comply with Google's webmaster policies.

How much money will I make from Google Adsense?

How much money will I make from Google Adsense?

Based on our experience at Quick on the Net, as an estimation, you can expect to earn 97% of your Google money from AdSense for Content, compared with just 3% coming from AdSense for Search.

To put it another way, for every $3.00 you earn from AdSense for Search, you can estimate that you will earn $97.00 from AdSense for Content.

Of course, those are our findings and it may be different for you.

Use of AdSense for Search in Blog/Website

Use of AdSense for Search in Blog/Website

This feature will allow you to add a Google Search Bar to your own website. So, this means that visitors to your website can use the Google Search Bar and search for information contained in your site.

And what's more, when a search is performed, the search engine returns Google AdSense advertising in the search results. Once again, it's fully automatic and the advertisements are directly related to the search query.

Now here's the good bit! When people click your Search Ads (these are the sponsored ads), you are paid money. It's a pay per click scheme, so you can make money as people use your search bar.

For example, if you search for 'hotels on the moon', this means that the 'Ads by Goooooogle' in the search results will also be about hotels on the moon.

Don't worry if you are not using search technology directly within your site. Once again, it's all taken care of. For example, it will work perfectly well on a simple HTML site.

How to Paste Google AdSense on Website or Blog?

How to Paste Google AdSense on Website or Blog?

Firstly, you need to SIGN-UP to Quick on the Net and SIGN-UP to Google AdSense.

Now, log into the AdSense toolkit and go to 'Content' or 'Search', according to your preference. For example, if you wish to display some advertising in your site, go to 'AdSense for Content'.

Select your options from:

* 'Ad unit' or 'Link unit'
* Format
* Colours (Colour palettes - select a default palette or create a unique palette for your own website)
* Your AdSense Code (this is the code you will 'copy' and 'paste' onto your web page)

Now, log into your toolkit at Quick on the Net and go to:

* 'Pages'
* Edit the web page which where you intend to 'paste' in the code
* Click on <>
* Paste in the AdSense Code
* Save the page
* Simple!

How to Join Google AdSense Latest Approval Tricks-2012

How to Join Google AdSense Latest Approval Tricks-2012

Once you have 10-15 pages on your site, go to to apply.
When you are accepted, simply copy and paste the provided HTML code into any page that you'd like to show the ads. If you've done a good job of defining the content on your web pages, the ads that show should be relevant to the content of your page...increasing the chances of click-thrus by your visitors.
You can either display the ads vertically along side the page like Google does or in a banner-like formation horizontally across your pages. The placement is up to you. You can even customize the colors to match your site's theme.

More Info Comment Here. Mail-

Why Google -Google Adsense Pay for publisher 's?

Why Google -Google Adsense Pay for publisher 's?

One of the question I often have to answer is: “Why pay Google to me?”. They don’t sell any product, everything you use from them is free and on top of that they seem to be very active in the “open source” community. So how the hell can they cash-in? Than See Below

How much does Google charge for a click?

The price advertisers pay for a click depends on a lot of factors and this is where Google is playing smart. They use some sort of bidding system. When you want to advertise with Google, you select keywords you are targeting. Let’s say I own an online guitar store and I want to bring potential customers to my website. I’m going to bid on the keywords “mobile” and “sell mobile” for example. The price I’m going to pay will depend if there is other companies bidding for that keyword. The more companies are fighting for a keyword, the more I’m going to pay for a single click to my website. The price can vary from 0.01$ to 100$ and more. Not to bad for a click hey? You can imagine that for highly competitive keywords like finance and health it can cost quite a lot of money for a company to advertise with Google.

How To Get more visitor To Your Website-Get Free Traffic-2012

How To Get more visitor To Your Website-Get Free Traffic-2012

You might already know about how to design your website or blog to get fresh content, title and mega tags with keyword-rich contents. For example, for my website, my title is “How To Make Money Online”, meta tags I put “make money working for Google, earn money with Google, making money with Google AdSense, etc.”

Free tips for getting More Visitors without costing you any Money.

1. Submit your website or blog to search engines. Don’t submit too many times a month because you may get banned from it. Some of popular search engines you may submit to are: Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Alexa, and so on. You can search on Google to get more search engines. Working online for Google and other affiliates require your patience, diligence, and time.
2. Submit your website or blog to link directories. These web directories you can find either online or at forums like DigitalPoint forum. Make short titles before you submit. For example, I make a title for my site to submit to link directories as “How To Make Money Online”.
3. Submit your website or blog to social networking sites such as Digg, Twitter, Facebook, Mixx, etc. Don’t submit many links on one of your site to these social networking sites a day, you may get banned.
4. Write articles and submit them to article directories. You will get at least 2 or 3 links at the author’s area.
5. Update your blog or website with new content/pages at least weekly. Search engines like fresh content.
6. These are free ways to get traffic on my websites and blogs, other webmasters may have some other ways. That is how I did every day, week, month, year to get traffic on my sites. Remember, you can’t get traffic overnight. It takes time, diligence, and hard work when you work online from home.

Latest Tips To Earn Extra Money in Online

Latest Tips To Earn Extra Money in Online & Income from Google Adsense - Real Reports on Adsense income one day $320

You do not need to be a webmaster or web developer who must know how to create a website. You can create a blog using Wordpress or Blogger without knowing web skills. You should know how to write an article to advertise your blog. This is one of the best method to get traffic for your web site. You write articles and submit them to social bookmarking sites, article directories, and any other places. If you article gets 1000 readers, they go to your website, you can think how much you earn for just $.50 per click. You can get $500 easily a day if you get 1000 clicks. You can think about it thouroughly and when you understand it, you will become a millionaire. It is just about working hard to gain experience from it.

Earn money money by working for Google is another example. Hundreds of thousands of online webmasters sign up for Google AdSense programs to make money online. This is the easiest way for making online money by working for Google. You earn by click from visitors to your website. Please do not click on your own ad, otherwise, Google will ban your account off. So, every affiliate program you sign up with, you must follow their tos. This is the most important online rule you must do. Don’t try to break their rules because you will not get away from it. They pay to good money for promoting their business, you must follow their rules. You should be fine to earn big money online.

When working online, you must investigate which method to use. The best online money making method is Google AdSense affiliate profile that they pay you for each unique click from your website. The more traffic you have, then the more clicks you earn. You can make a lot of money online for free using this way because you do not cost anything. So, starting creating a blog and write some articles that you are good at. You post these articles on your blog and submit them to social bookmarking services. You keep doing like this for about one month, you will see that the best possible results. The longer you do, the more customers accumulated on your website so the more money you make online. Read these free tips to earn extra income is the start.

Make Money with AdSense for Domains? Try It ?

Make Money with AdSense for Domains? Try It ?

Google AdSense for Domains lets domain name owners set up AdSense links on a parked domain which if it receives traffic, will serve relevant ads to the domain name (or popular categories).

These are the basic steps that you need to take to get your domains on to the Google Adsense for Domains service:

1. Sign in to your existing Adsense account (or start one if you haven’t got one yet).
2. Go to ‘Get Ads’ tab and select ‘Adsense for Domains’ in the list of services.
3. Click on ‘Add domain’ and follow the instructions that Adsense will give you.
4. Instructions include signing in to your domain registrar and making changes to the account information. Adsense provides detailed information on how to do this with most popular registrars.
5. Once you’ve set-up your domain according to Adsense’s specifications, wait until it gets approved.
6. When your domain’s approved, you can then edit some of its settings (palette and keywords).

How to increase earnings with Google AdSense Tips 2012

How to increase earnings with Google AdSense Tips 2012

If you want increase earnings from google adsense than you follow all instructions

1. Increase Impressions
2. Increase Click-Through-Ratio (CTR)
3. Ad placement
4. Ads On the Top of the Page
5. Ads On the Bottom of the Page
6. Ads On the Right Side of the Page
7. Ads On the Left Side of the Page
8. Ad Color
9. Ad Unit Style
10. Total Number of Links
11. Test, Test and Test Again
12. Increase Cost-Per-Click (CPC)
13. AdSense Alternate Ads
14. Future Improvements to AdSense: Increase Revenue to You

Increase Impressions

Adsense ads impressions is the number of times the ads are pulled from the Google and displayed in your websites. Sometimes, the Adsense ads impression is equal to the pageviews of your website if the content of the pages of your website is in accordance to the terms of the Google Adsense and that Google has enough ads related to your content. Otherwise, the impression of the Adsense ads is lower to the actual page views of your website.

So, why is there a need to increase the impression of the Google Adsense ads?

One of the more obvious ways to increase the money you make with adsense is to increase the amount of traffic to your web site, which in turn will increase the number of impressions you receive on your page or site.
Increasing traffic to your web site goes beyond what we'll talk about here, but we'll give you some other great methods of increasing your number of impressions.

Google AdSense requires JavaScript, and if your viewers do not have JavaScript enabled, they will not be able to your ads. For the visitors you are already attracting to your site, a way of motivating them to click on your AdSense ads is to encourage them to enable JavaScript if they haven't already. One strategy to motivate users to enable JavaScript is to add content to your page that is only available through JavaScript. Add browser JavaScript detection to your HTML to alert visitors that if they do not have JavaScript enabled, they are only able to view a portion of the content that is available on your web page/web site.

Increase Click-Through-Ratio (CTR)

Did you know your website could be making over 200% more income with better Google Adsense placements? Learn expert methods and the science behind it to increase CTR.
While this may be common sense, it is the most important factor for increasing CTR. More and more viewers are becoming more experience in identifying advertisements. When viewers detects an advertisement, they pay less attention to it. By simply blending the colors to match the website, it makes it more difficult for the viewer to identify text advertisements which increases the chance that they’ll read the text ad and click on it.

Even a small increase in your Click-Through-Ratio can potentially result in a large increase in revenue. If you raise your CTR of 1.0 to a CTR of 1.1, that should result in a revenue increase of 10%. There are quite a few on-page factors that can affect your Click-Through-Ratio. Some of these factors include:

* Ad placement- Where are your ads placed on your site? WIll visitors be more likely to notice them, or ignore them?
* Ad color- Do your Ads blend in with your site, or do they stick out like a sore thumb?
* Ad unit style- Does the style of your Ad units correspond with the style of your web site?
* Total number of links- Do you have too many links, or too few?

Latest Google Adsense Earning Tricks

Latest Google Adsense Tricks-How to Increase AdSense Earnings With Placement Ads

Put your ads above the fold
What this means is that your ads should be visible when you first load your page, before the visitor needs to scroll downward. Although ads below the fold can perform well, it’s a trickier proposition and requires testing to get it right –the footer spot, in particular, is among the hardest to monetize, and usually requires constant changes to the format in order to perform consistently (that’s what YieldBuild tends to do for our clients’ sites).

As I mentioned in the AdSense formatting post, be sure to pick the three most popular AdSense sizes: the 300×250, the 160×600 and the 728×90. More and more publishers are organizing their templates to accommodate these 3 sizes. In organizing your template layout, keep in mind….

Always Placement Ads L Size
Ad units that adjoin each other tend to do well, in a format called “the L”. They should run perpendicular to each other and sit very closely to each other, as they do in these examples:

Ads should be close to click activity
Look at the places on your page where users click, where they interact with your site: navigation; share buttons; next page; etc. Place ad units near them. Don’t make your visitors have to drag their eyes and mice to regions of your page where they wouldn’t go normally, to look at ads…because they won’t.

Embed ads in content
This is relatively easy to do with the popular and versatile 300×250 ad unit. Embed this unit to the right or left of your content. And, blend the ad unit with the page background when it’s above the fold, and use highly-contrasting colors against your background for units below the fold.

Make your ad unit layout match your template
This might go without saying, but the precise placement of your AdSense ad units should make for a clean look on your site. Visually jarring ads or ones that don’t blend in aesthetically with your site with respect to their placement will often not perform well (although there are exceptions, but you would need YieldBuild or testing to find those out).

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Display in Image Ads and Earn extra Revenue (money) From your Blog Publishers 2012

Display in Image Ads and Earn extra Revenue (money) From your Blog Publishers 2012

Display in image ads and earn extra revenue (money) from your blog or website. If you have more images than text in your blog, then you can now earn from those images too.

You may heard of in text advertising company, but here is a new idea of displaying in image ads. There a Ad network named image space media which displays ads on the images and when people click on those ads, you will get paid. You need not do anything for all the images in your blog. Just add a small piece of code to your blog and start earning from your images. Some of the features as said by them are -

* Unobtrusive – the transparent ads are user-initiated and only appear when your reader mouses over an image.
* Easy to Install – just one snippet of JavaScript or a simple WordPress widget. Forget technology confusion!
* Additional Revenue – doesn’t conflict with other revenue sources.
* Relevance – our sophisticated keyword matching is based on your metadata to ensure all ads are targeted and relevant.
* New Ad Space - our technology maximizes ad space on existing web pages without compromising your priceless content.
* Impact - combines relevancy of the brand association with an evocative visual experience and have higher CTR’s than banner ads.

Just add the code and they will display ads on relevant images that fit a unique set of parameters on top or bottom of the image. Whenever a user hovers mouse on that image the ad will be displayed. If you have got more images in your blog then you can Register ImageSpaceMedia once.

Technorati Media Ads CPM Rates, Approval Tricks 2012

Technorati Media Ads CPM Rates, Approval Tricks 2012

Technorati Media ( is CPM Ad network which is not scam. Here is the payment proof, average CPM rate and other details of this network.

technorati media

Technorati Media is online ad company which is started by Technorati group. The avarage CPM for this network is good for technology sites which is around $0.5 to $1.5. If you have traffic from USA, the CPM is really high and its average for traffic from other countries.

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How to Get Tribalfusion Approval Latest Tricks, What are the Site Requirements

How to Get Tribalfusion Approval Latest Tricks, What are the Site Requirements

Tribalfusion is one of the popular CPM ad network and here are some of site requirements and tips for getting approval soon, their new terms and requirements have changes from 2010.

tribal fusion cpm ad network 400x267

Earlier Tribalfusion was asking for minimum of 5000 unique visitors per day, but the new requirement is 500,000 unique users per month, that is approximately 17000 unique visitors per day. That is huge requirement as not many of the websites and blogs reach even 5k visitors/day mark. Here are the full requirement details -

* A minimum of 500,000 unique users per month
* Highly targeted, relevant and regularly updated content for which the publisher is directly responsible
* A professional and attractive site design
* An active user base
* Its own top-level domain URL
* An active, publicly stated user privacy policy

It seem Tribalfusion have a large publishers and they don’t want small publishers from now. So if you want to get in first reach the 17k users per day, its difficult but not impossible, till the you can use any other CPM ad network. Tribalfusion is one of the highest paying CPM (cost per 1000 impression) ad network which gives your blog/website additional income after Google Adsense.

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Smowtion CPM/CPA Ad Network Latest Review, Is Smowtion Scam? 2012

Smowtion CPM/CPA Ad Network Latest Review, Is Smowtion Scam? 2012

Smowtion CPM and CPA online Advertising Network Review. Many people want to know that, is Smowtion Scam? or they pay for publishing their Ads on your websites and blogs.


What is Smowtion?
Smowtion is a online Ad company which pays to display Ads on your website/blog.

Are they Compatible with Text Link Ads or Google Adsense?
Yes, Smowtion displays banner ads based on category of the website, so it’s fully compatible with text and context links such as Google Adsense or Text Link Ads.

What type of Ads do they offer?
They offer only banner Ads (CPM and CPA) and Pop ups, they don’t offer any text link ads.

How do they pay?
They pay by three methods – check, Paypal an smowtion ATM card

Do they really pay (payment proof)?
Yes they do pay, here is one of my Payment proof via PayPal.

What is their Revenue Share?
Their Revenue Share is 60% to 80%, they are currently paying 60%.

How is reporting system?
Smowtion has similar reporting system as of Google Adsense – very neat and descriptive.

When do they pay?
They pay when your earnings reaches $100 after 45 days (NET 45 System).

What is the Ads fill rate?
Most of the time Ads are available, but sometimes they don’t have ads and display Smowtion default ads, fill rate is approximately 60 – 70%

How is technical support?
Tech support from them is excellent, you can contact them via Live chat or email (ticket).

What are CPM rates?
CPM rates in Smowtion vary by country and category. I am in India and i get $0.20 CPM for my Entertainment websites and $0.50 CPM for Sports and Tech websites. If you have more traffic from US then you may get even more than $1 CPM

Smowtion can be used as additional income for your blog after Adsense, and those who don’t have Adsense its worth to try. You will get 80% revenue share if you signup via referral, so if you want to try it here is my link – SIGNUP FOR SMOWTION.

Register Here:

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Thursday, 14 July 2011

Tips Affiliate Network GETADE Approved

Affiliate Network GETADE offers great gains, exclusive offers and a high customer service in the industry. Here in GETADE, we take our combined years of experience in the affiliate marketing industry and to exploit these relationships. Thus, we are able to offer direct quote, competitive payouts, the distribution structure and a personalized account management.

GETADE is committed to helping our publishers to generate revenue and to take your business to the next level. Here in GETADE, we got it! All staff have been in this industry for many years and will be able to provide a high level of service to the editor of every one including industry expertise, excellent customer service, offers the best and payments.

Affiliate Network Details number of offers: 100 +

Deals: Exclusive Offers UK, Email presentations, meetings, credit report, education and games

Search more deals

The type of Commission: CPA, CPL

Minimum payment: $ 100

Payment frequency: Net-15 / Weekly

Payment: check / wire

Referral to the Commission: N / A

Affiliate tracking software: Trust link

Link Tracking: =

AIM Affiliate Director: Josh Todd, Nicole Aranda, Beau Hadwiger, Mike Guida, Jamie Stephenson

Twitter: @ GETADE

Phone: 303-524-3880, toll free: 1-877-208-7147

Join Affiliate Link: Remember

Click here to subscribe GETADE CPA affiliate network

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Microworkers! MyEasyTasks! Mturk! Earn money from Home 2012

Microworkers! MyEasyTasks! Mturk! Earn money from Home 2012

Nowadays we face problem to find a real earning site. Most of earning sites are scam or fraud. But here is a final solution for them who wants to earn real money from online. Yes! you got it, the solution site is Microworkers . In this site you will find a quick way to earn money by doing easy micro jobs. Microworkers is a free to use website that lists small jobs. By ‘small’ I mean jobs that require a small amount of time and have only a small amount of money associated with them . So no more waiting and start your earning by clicking here and register for free giving valid information. And remind it there is no money investment, just do micro job and earn money. Registration details are given below.

Look at the picture below, then you will understand how does it works. Actually there are two types people:
1. Worker - who works micro job.
2. Employer - who offers the job to work.

This website can give you quite good income if you own a website or blog with PR 1+ (Page Rank) ranking. But no worries there you 'll find also very easy task to do.
Now let me tell you as I have no PR0+ blog. I only try to make few bucks here spending few minutes on this website. The work which I love to do here are:-
1. Like a Facebook page it takes 30 seconds pays 0.8$ - 0.25$
2. Subscribe a You-tube channel and comment takes 3 minutes pays 0.12$
3. Digg something, takes 3 minutes pays 0.8$ - 0.20$
4. Tweet account, takes 30 seconds pays 0.8$ - 0.20$
5. Signup (I do this task only if it pays minimum 0.30$)
6. Download and install something, takes 5 – 10 minutes pays 0.35$

You’ll find many easier job if you like this. Refresh the site few minutes later to find more job.
* Job price may vary employer to employer.

Don’t be confused that there are two success rate which you will have to take under consideration one is permanent success rate which determines that you will work on website or not. This success rate should not be less than 75% or you will be not able to work on this site. The second success rate is temporary success rate. This success rate determines that how many tasks you can currently accept and complete. Sometimes this success rate goes below 75% don’t be worried about it may happen because you must have completed a lot of tasks. The temporary success rate will rise up when the employers approve your task.

Now the important part is that the minimum pay-out is 9$ and you can receive payment through Moneybookers , AlertPay (To open account, just click on link) and other online money transfer site. You just need a personal Bank account to send your money.

Note:- Microworkers have a different kind of personal verification system. When you reach the minimum pay-out limit which is 9$. After that the withdrawal page will say that ”A pin will be mailed you soon”. Don’t worry wait for a week or two they will dispatch a pin letter then the page will say ”pin sent on this date” and a link will appear which will say ”Enter pin” and one more link will be there which will say ”Request pin” this link is for those.

Look at the picture below, what you see, yes job, which are accepted and got paid and which are rejected.

There are also few micro job sites same as Microworkers. These sites also reliable. so you can check it out.

What is PTC? Pay To Click Website Reviewes 2012-2013

PTC stands for Paid to click which means you will be paid on these websites for clicking various advertisements.
Why they pay us for clicking?
There are millions of company and websites on this world. But everyone’s vision is not same. For increasing their business and sale they just need exposure to the people all around the world so that they can become popular. To become popular they need to increase traffic of their website. There are several way to increase traffic of websites. PTC website is one of the ways to increase traffic of website. So website owners contact PTC website company and tell them the requirement that they need 10000 clicks daily on their website. 10000 is only an example they can demand any number. The PTC owner charges them a fixed amount for the number of clicks and when we click on that particular ad we get our share of revenue. This is how we get paid.

How to bring money?

To bring money from PTC site you will need a PayPal or AlertPay account. You will find details about PayPal, AlertPay, Moneybooker in my blog post. There you will find how to register and bring money, just check out my others blog post.


There are some real PTC earning site given below. Just follow the system of registration. Its such an easier task to do.

Now below you will be shown step by step process that how you can create a PTC site account and start earning there.

1. Click the link given below.

2. A new tab will open
3. Click on the “Register Now” button
4. form will appear in front of you. Now fill it with desired username, password and email id. Now if you have created you PayPal and Alertpay id then put it there and if you have not created yet then just enter your email address there (Remember that whenever you create your PayPal or Alertpay account in future use the same email address that you used to register on PTC websites. Otherwise you won’t be able to withdraw your money.). In the referral field you don’t need to change anything, accept the terms and services and then enter the verification code which you can find just below getting blurred and visible again and again. Now click on register button.
5. Now you are registered there. Many other sites send a verification email for verifying just after registration. Just open your email, there you’ll see a verification in your inbox. Click on the link and verify your account.
6. Now login to your account. On the right top you will see “view advertisements” button, click on it. On the view advertisement page you will find a list of advertisement. Click on any one of them, after you click on it you will see a tick in the slot of advertisement that you clicked. Now click on that tick, a new tab will open and advertisement page will start loading.
7. Let the page to load completely until you see a timer starts and ends on the top of page and the message appears on the top that “0.01$ were credited to your account”.
8. Now close that advertisement page and follow the same procedure with other advertisements present in the list.
9. After viewing all advertisements just click on your account which appears on the right top. When you click there you’ll see your account summary and how much you have earned. Now you have to click there daily (once in every 24 hours).

New Google Adsense Approval Tricks 2012-2013

New Google Adsense Approval Tricks 2012-2013

Adsense Account Approval Problems ( Page Type and Under construction) Solution ;)
How to Get Google Adsense Account Approval
Getting approved by Adsense is not always a straightforward process and if you are not lucky you may have to try several times and wait many months before your website finally gets approved. From my personal experience is really hard nut to achieve it.
As the number of websites from all over the world applying for AdSense grows by the thousands daily, Google keeps defining stricter and stricter rules for acceptance into the program. A few months ago it was much easier for websites to be approved for the program but these days it appears to keep getting progressively more and more difficult.
Common Reasons for Google Adsense Account Disapproval
Google does not always give a lot of details about why they have chosen not to accept a website. Their explanations are usually very brief and oftentimes not very helpful. Two of the most common reasons for rejection that are usually encountered are:
· Page Type
· Under construction

· Page Type

There are three common variants of the details of the “Page Type” message.
§ Variant 1

Page type: Your website is a type of website that we do not currently accept into our program. Such websites include, but are not limited to, chat sites, sites that drive traffic through cybersquatting, and sites that use excessive keywords in the content or code of their pages.

§ Variant 2

Page type: We are unable to approve your AdSense application at this time because we feel that your site does not comply with the Google webmaster quality guidelines. More specifically, we believe that your site does not add value or provide unique content.

§ Variant 3

Ø Your website must be your own top-level domain ( and not
Ø You must provide accurate personal information with your application
that matches the information on your domain registration.
Ø Your website must contain substantial, original content.
Ø Your site must comply with Google AdSense program policies
In a vast majority of cases we have seen, the Adsense page type problem appears to be caused by:
v Not enough content: Original Posts are less than 20 or 30 (sometimes you may need more)
v Substantial Copied content: Too much copied posts without modification
v Inappropriate content: Hacking, porn and other banned sites
v Keyword and meta tag stuffing: Too many repeated keywords in your HTML meta tags, posts, titles, post tags and labels
v Site too new: In some countries Google requires that a website must have been in existence (and regularly updated) for at least six months before being considered for Adsense. The complete list of these countries has not been revealed by Google. All they tell us is that “In some locations, including China and India, we require publishers to have owned their sites for 6 months.”
v and not Your website must be a full domain or sub domain (e.g or and not a sub page (e.g
Solution to the Adsense Page Type Problem:
There is solution to post more posts (like 3 to 5 a day for one week), then wait for another one week for Google to index the new posts and then apply again. Please make sure that you have properly modified the posts according to what was described. If it doesn’t work the first time, keep doing it again and again and it will eventually work.
you will need to check the content of your website for originality and appropriateness. You may also want to visit the adsense forums for more help.

· Under Construction
We’ve found that your site’s pages are incomplete or under construction. We require websites to be launched and navigable before being considered for AdSense. Your site must also contain enough content for our specialists to review, and to display relevant ads. Once the majority of your site is complete and functional, we’ll be happy to reconsider your application.

Solution to the Adsense “Under Construction” Problem:
In my experience, the common causes of this error is when the links to the main (or sometimes even all the pages on the website are not available on each page) or when there are too few pages (less than 5) and the links to these pages are not on every page.
For a Blogspot blog: this can easily be solved by adding the Archive widget and setting the options according to the below image. These settings may be modified after your website has been approved.
For WordPress users: adding a sitemap plugin to your website would help.

Make Money Online With Leadbolt CPA Earning Tricks 2012

Make Money Online With Leadbolt CPA Earning Tricks 2012

LeadBolt offers the new platform on making money online using content unlocker which gives publishers higher income compared to the usual system of page impressions and CTR. LeadBolt have product offerings and advertisers from every industry. These combined with our powerful and unique ‘advertiser to publisher matching’ technologies will enable you to show advertisements relevant to your users and their specific interests!

Here are some of the specific benefits cited by our users

* Proven higher payouts
* Access to high converting Exclusive Campaigns
* Direct with Advertisers to pass back the highest returns
* Fully optimized for traffic regardless of its region !
* Fully customisable
* Simple to add to your site
* Skinnable to match your website look
* Enterprise grade portal for management and reporting

Unlike other content unlocking make money online platforms, LeadBolt promises publishers of an easy to install and simple platform that would give higher payout. Applications are also approved in just a few minutes and one can immediately start making money out of web traffic.

Iphone SDK Program
LeadBolt is launching it's SDK program allowing iPhone App developers access to our unlocking technologies. With iPhone user downloads increasing exponentially each day, now is the time to rethink your monetization strategies. Add content unlockers, splash and banner ads in your iPhone applications using LeadBolt’s Content Unlocking Technology. LeadBolt offers the highest revenue per click, simple integration, targeted offers and real time reporting.

LeadBolt’s Payment Schedule and Method
LeadBolt pays all publishers on a Net15 term which basically mean that publishers are “paid 15 days after the end of the current for last month earnings.” Payout is at least $100 either via wire transfer or the more convenient Paypal.

Leadbolt is a new content gateway company that has opened up. They are based in Australia and do pretty much the same thing as other incentive widget companies do: if you have content that you would like “blocked” from users, you can utilize their tools to try and get your users to perform a task (such as complete a survey) in order to get to your content. They don’t only do this they have a couple other features as well, such as impression advertising but content gateways is their main source of traffic.

Sign-up to LeadBolt here and start milking that cash cow.

Monday, 11 July 2011

EasyShare Best Online File hosting Network 2012

EasyShare Best Online File hosting Network 2012

* Minimum Payout: $10
* Referral Commission: 20% of earnings
* Payment Method: PayPal, ePassporte, WebMoney, Wire transfer

They give upto $0.002 per download.

ShareCash Upload & Earn Money 2012

ShareCash Upload & Earn Money 2012

* Minimum Payout: $10
* Referral Commission: 10% of monthly earnings
* Payment Method: PayPal, ePassporte, Western Union, Wire Transfer, Check

They give high commission per download, but accept only US,UK,CA, or AUS. They give upat least 40 to 80 Cent per download.

FileChip File Hosting Site 2012

FileChip File Hosting Site 2012

* Minimum Payout: $10
* Referral Commission: 10% of affiliate points
* Payment Method: Paypal

Filechip pay up to $0.01 per download depending on the file size. They give 10 free points for new register member.

Uploading Online Uploading Website 2012

Uploading Online Uploading Website 2012

* Minimum Payout: $30
* Referral Commission: 10% of earnings
* Payment Method: PayPal, ePassporte, WebMoney, AlertPay pays you up to $0.02 per download based on size of fileand account status

UgottFile Best File Sharing Site 2012

UgottFile Best File Sharing Site 2012

* Minimum Payout: $5
* Referral Commission: 50% of earning+ 20% of Premium Purchase.
* Payment Method: PayPal

It is unique type of website in term of money making. You can earn even foe other file, just need to embedding your referral id right at the end of that link. You can earn 85% and own earn 20%. They give Cookies for each complete download, and 1000 cookies are equal to $1. And you can earn upto $0.01(10 cookies) per download.

LetitBit Best File Hosting Server 2012

LetitBit Best File Hosting Server 2012

* Minimum payout: $(webmoney), $15 (Paypal)
* Referral Commission: 25% of earnings
* Payment Method: Paypal , Webmoney

The pay mainly for US and Russia traffic. You can earn an average of $0.015. they accept all country traffic.

HotFile Legit File Hosting Payment Network 2012

HotFile Legit File Hosting Payment Network 2012

* Minimum Payout: $15
* Referral Commission: 20% of earnings + 5% of premium purchase
* Payment Method: ePassporte, Paypal, Webmoney

They use a Rank system which give you chance to earn more with going high rank (copper > bronze > silver > gold > platinum). You can earn $0.002 to $015 per download. File size also a factor of your earning

NetGull Hot File Hosting Network 2012

NetGull Hot File Hosting Network 2012

* Minimum Payout: $5
* Referral Commission: Not Available
* Payment Method: Paypal, Moneybookers, AlertPay

NetGull is another good website who pay you for your uploaded files. And the best part is there are a flat rate per download To All Country. You can earn 15 to 30 cent for each download.

Deposit Files Tips & Tricks 2012

* Minimum Payout: $10
* Referral Commission: $20%of earning
* Payment Method: WebMoney Z-purse, Paypal

Depositfiles is my top 2 of make money for upload files. They give $5 bounces for every new member registration. They have lots of unique features like loyalty bonus, different commission traffic and many more. You can earn up to $0.03 per download.

Earn Money Internet - Upload you file and earn money 2012

Earn Money Internet - Upload you file and earn money 2012

Hey friends are you know by uploading your file like photo, mp3, document, mp3 songs on free hosting site can earn a lot of money? Keep reading this post you can got better idea.

Today I am going to talk about that website that pay you for you file. This is very useful for that webmaster who gives free download service. There are two benefited first one is you got free space and second you get money for that. If you are not webmaster then also you can earn.
10 website that pay for you uploaded file .

1. Ziddu

* Minimum payout : $10
* Referral Commission: $0.05 per registration
* Payment Method: Paypal, moneybookers

Ziddu is number one site in my list that pay you for your uploaded site . and the best thing is no need to buy a premium membership, and they give equal value for all download . For each Valid Download You Got $0.001 form nay country.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

What IS CPALead? Top CPA Publishers Networks Tricks

What IS CPALead? Top CPA Publishers Networks Tricks

CPALead is an Incentive CPA Network that works exclusively with a "Content Blocker" Gateway. This Gateway forces Users/Visitors to complete a CPA Offer before accessing your site, downloading files, watching movies etc. When they complete the survey or offer, you get paid! The payments are usually around $0.50 and $1.00 for regular surveys, and $3.00 to $7.00 for mobile offers.

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating your first Gateway, and integrating it into your site so you can start earning!

1. Log in to your account.
2. Click on "Widgets".
3. Click on "Create New Widget".
4. Select Content Type, what type of content do you want to block?
5. Look for "Create Widget" and click "Webpage Containing Digital Images/Ebooks" etc for example to start.
6. Use the arrows to choose a gateway style you like. We will work on Custom Designs Later. After choosing, click continue.
7. Leave the default box clicked. Click Continue.
8. Leave the defaults click for now, and Click Continue.
9. Access time: How Long Do you want users to have access for after completing 1 offer? 0 is forever.
10. Tease Time: How Long Before the Gateway Pops Up? 0 is instantly. 0 is best for start.
11. Click Continue.
12. Leave the defaults, and Click Continue.
13. Name your Widget "Test" or something similar, its not important. Click Continue.
14. Scroll down and click "I agree, Create this Widget."
15. "Invite a Friend" Will pop-up, just click Cancel for now.
16. Leave the default boxes, and Click "Generate Code."
17. Copy/Paste the script after and before the tags on the web site to be protected.
18. You may have to inster the code on every HTML page, if you are running WebSite based entirely in HTML.
19. Test your site. After Saving/ReUploading the Web Pages with the Code, Visit Your Site.

Top 10 Online Survey Sites That Actually Pay 2012

Top 10 Online Survey Sites That Actually Pay 2012

“Online Survey” is a smart ways to make money online and for some it is a nightmare. Yes it can be a nightmare if you are not careful in choosing survey sites that are legitimate. There are notorious sites that would charge you subscription fee and will disappear. Always remember any fee as up front have chances of being scam sites and they just want to run away with your money. On the other hand, you might come across sites that will ask you fill the survey and shop online to get rewards, remember such sites only require new leads and you would have to extract a lot of them to get to the ones that would really pay you.
But the real question here is, are their legitimate sites? Yes, there are definitely genuine online survey sites that pay you in cash or rewards. The best way to avoid scam is just not to get registered with sites that ask for signup fee. With genuine sites you are sure to make money, but bear in mind you cannot make a living taking up surveys and no site would pay you XXX money for just filling out surveys. But of course, you can make handsome supplementary income of 1$ to 10$ in an hour time. So to make your work easier in locating legitimate site, I have taken a comprehensive list of Top 10 Online Survey that actually pay and is worth your time!

Surveysavvy - Surveysavvy is one of the oldest and best survey company to work with. The payment structure is always via check and usually sent within 3 or 4 weeks once the survey is done. They send you survey now and then depending upon your demographic location. You might not see surveys dropping in your inbox daily but once you have it is worth taking up, as the cash out could differ from 1$ to 30$. You are less likely to survive on Surveysavvy if you violate their terms and conditions!

Mysurvey – You will get surveys daily and the payment structure is based on points. Once you have 1000 point in your account you are eligible to fetch in 10$. You might face lot screeners, but you will not go without paid. For taking up a survey you get 10 points, but if you qualify then you might get points anywhere between 200 to 2500! In fact, their surveys are fun to deal with and basically upon shopping. You also have a little application to download for letting you know about each new survey if you wish!

Brandinstitute – This is an interesting site that sends you survey on new and forthcoming products. Mostly these products are about medications and households goods. Once you complete your survey you would get your money in your PayPal account within 6 weeks. Each survey last for about 20 to 30 minutes and pay is around $5 – 20$. You will get lot of surveys each week and you have more chances to qualify!

Opinionoutpost – This is relatively a new market research company, but indeed good. The payment structure is via points – 1 point = 10 cents USD. Their survey could be of any kind and if you want to get more surveys then make sure you fill your profile. The frequency of surveys is about 3 to 4 a week. Do not forget to refer people to this site as each referral is worth 10 points that is $1.00!

Surveyspot – You will get lots and lots of surveys with Surveyspot. You would have to fill out few screeners before getting a paid survey. Many a times you will also get their products via UPS to test and survey is sent after a week. So you can use the product, fill in the surveys and get paid as well. Pay structure is via checks and pay is about $2.00 to $20.00 for each survey. Cash out is possible anytime with this company!

Esearch – Esearch is simple and neat company to work with. You will get about 2 to 5 surveys each week. And the payment structure is via PayPal. Each survey has some form of “incentive” involved. Most incentivize all respondents and some have drawings. In all instances the incentive is clearly spelled out in the survey invitation. These incentives range from $1 to $5.00 or more. Easy to work without any complications!

Harrispollonline – Harris Poll Online powered by Harris Interactive is a very interesting and active survey panel. Payment structure is via points and you make minimum of 30 points with each survey. Their surveys are not only diverse in nature, but will also lead you to another survey immediately if you qualify. The more survey you take the more you have chances to qualify for cash prizes ranging from $10 – $10,000!

TestSpin – You can make up to $15-$20 for a survey with TestSpin if you qualify. Survey invites are always with email notice and incentives are mostly cash. Although you get lots and lots of surveys it might be hard to qualify. Moreover they can also ask to fill up surveys strictly by males/females or a particular age group or ethnicity. Surveys usually take about two to four weeks to complete.

Mindfieldonline – This is another small but straightforward site to deal with. You get surveys about once a week. Payment structure is via PayPal and you must have $10.00 to ask for cash out. Most of the surveys are small and pay you about $2.00 each. It is not hard to quality surveys with mindfieldonline!

Ithinkinc – Their surveys are fun to fill up, although you may not receive often. Payment structure is via check and you get it usually in 3 to 4 weeks after the survey is completed. You would get some screeners before the paid survey is sent. They are mainly about household goods and products!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Latest Online Scam List Collections (Part 2)

Latest Online Scam List Collections (Part 2)

AAG Winnings Administration Association (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)ACP (Lotteries)
Act of God Awards (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Adams Green (Employment Schemes)

Advanced Financial Services (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
African Development Bank (Advance Fee Fraud)
Airline Disasters (Advance Fee Fraud)
Amanda Kane (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Amy Palmer (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Angela Almera (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Angele and Angelina (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Angelique de Succes (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Angelo Da Vinco (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Anna Pfeiffer (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Antonio Divito (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Apple Sales Group (Employment Schemes)
Ascon International (Employment Schemes)
Ascot International (Employment Schemes)
Asian telephone scam (Advance Fee Fraud)
Assembly of Angels (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Athens Financial Group Ltd (Employment Schemes)
Aus Prize Disbursement Agency (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Australian Fair Trading email (Email)
Australian International Lottery (Advance Fee Fraud)
Australian Lottery Corporation (Advance Fee Fraud)
Australian Taxation Office refund email (Email)
AustroCanadian Lottery (Lotteries)
Award Distribution Independent Committee (ADIC) (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Award Notification Commission (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Award Notification Service (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Awards Allocation Bureau (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Bank emails (Email)
Bank Vault (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Barcelo Travel (Employment Schemes)
B.C.O.A. Official Confirmation of Allocation Bureau (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Beat the Recession Chain Letter (Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes) (Employment Schemes)
BGAR Bureau G�n�ral d�allocation des R�compenses (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
BigPond Phishing scam (Email)
Bio Sana (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Biotal diet pills (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
BIVR (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Blacktacos (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Blanche Calmette Clairvoyant (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Bon Po (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Brooks and Company Ltd (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Cabinet, Gerson and Moris (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
CAMSE (Lotteries)
Canadian Diamond Traders (Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes)
Canadian prize award cowboy (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Car online sale scam (Buying and selling scams)
Carter, Hammond and Pierce (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Cash Acquisition Resources (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Cash Affiliates & Disbursements (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Cash Alert (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Cash Asset Management Services (Lotteries)
Cash Contribution Contest (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Cash-telegram Delivery Service (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Cash-Transfers Inc (Employment Schemes)
CDM (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Central Assets Holding Company (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Centre International des Gains (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Chase Wilton & Weede (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Cheque Award Reservation Centre (CAR) (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
C.H.P. (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Christie Owen (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
CIA Email (Email)
CIDP (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Claire Bonheur (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Columbus-Partners Inc (Employment Schemes)
CommExchanges Inc (Employment Schemes)
Conex Inc. (Employment Schemes)
Confirmation Orders (Email)
Consolidated Award Services (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Contest America Publishers (Lotteries)
Cornerstone Financial Group (Lotteries)
Corporate PA (Employment Schemes)
Corporate Prize Headquarters (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Countess Maria Romanova (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
CPBR (Legislative Bank Payments Commission) (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Crown Imperial Imports (Lotteries)
Crown Imports (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
CSGF Grand FinalistsSelect Club (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Customs Fees (Buying and selling scams)
David Lopez (Advance Fee Fraud)
David Rhodes (Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes)
Deaf Lotto International Program (Advance Fee Fraud)
Deluxe (Overseas scams)
Departure Central Inc (Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes)
Dick Smith employment email (Employment Schemes)
Digital Worldnet (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Direct Account Enhancement Inc (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Direct Payment (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Direct Riches contest (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Djima (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Domain Names Australia (Directory Listings and Registry)
Dominion Entitlement - Cheque Disbursement Centre (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Donna Esmeralda (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Door to door art sales (Buying and selling scams)
Door to Door Digital TV Sales (Uncategorised)
Dr Grant - Foundation of Multi Millionaires - Chel (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Drop4Sale (Employment Schemes)
Dr Victor Ira Kurzban Fax (Advance Fee Fraud)
eBay invoice (Email)
EcoLife company (Employment Schemes)
Edmond de Valles (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
E-Global Enterprises (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
E-greeting card scam (Email)
El Gordo (Advance Fee Fraud)
El Mundo Sweepstake (Advance Fee Fraud)
Email lottery scams (Lotteries)
Emilie Paul (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Emirates Lottery (Advance Fee Fraud)
Employment Protection Australia (Directory Listings and Registry)
Esmeralda Wicca (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Esperanza (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Euphoria Travelling Group (Advance Fee Fraud)
Euro Lottery (Lotteries)
Euromillions lottery scam (Advance Fee Fraud)
European Lottery Guild (Lotteries)
European Prize Allocations Commission (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Eva du Maurier (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Eva Lorca (FIAG) of Switzerland (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Event ticketing scams (Buying and selling scams)
Fake newspaper job offers (Employment Schemes)
FBI Emails (Email)
Fedder and Brothers Partnership (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (Advance Fee Fraud)
Federation Internationale d'Attribution de Gains (FAIG) (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
FedEx Courier Services (Advance Fee Fraud)
Fernandez Caspelli (Overpayment)
FIFA World Cup Lotto (Advance Fee Fraud)
Financial International Consulting Ltd (Employment Schemes)
FinServ Inc (Employment Schemes)
FMAGG (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Fort Langley Sweepstake Reports (Lotteries)
Fortune Fever (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Friedrich Mueller Gift Distribution (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Fuchs, Getman, Schmidt & Werner (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Gabriel DAngelo (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Gains Academy or G/A Winnings Academy (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
German Lotto syndicates (Lotteries)
Giacomo dAlbi (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Girtex Inc (Employment Schemes)
Giveaway Hoax Emails (Email)
Gladys Holle (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Global Austrian Syndicate (Employment Schemes)
GlobalIndustry Finance Group (Employment Schemes)
Global Job or (Employment Schemes)
Global Shipping Services (Overseas scams)
Global Wealth Reporters (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Global Win Office (Lotteries)
Goldrush Sweepstakes Release (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Gold Winning International (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Goode Walker and Company (Lotteries)
Google Cash (Directory Listings and Registry)
Grand Sands Casino Investments (Advance Fee Fraud)
Greenfield Associates (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Greystone Financial Services (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Gros Lot a Gagner (Lotteries)
GSP psychic scams - various (select...)
Hang Seng bank (Advance Fee Fraud)
Harris and Witherspoon (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Hauser, Gottesman and Associates (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Helena Bright (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Help me email (Email)
Hemstead, Rosen and Cornwell (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Heritage Lottery scam (Advance Fee Fraud)
HiFi Equipment Scam (Buying and selling scams)
Hispanic Classic Lotto Program (Advance Fee Fraud)
Hitman Scam (Email)
Holiday bookings (Overpayment)
Holiday Timeshare Offers (Telemarketing)
Home loans and credit offers (Advance Fee Fraud)
Honorine and Gerald (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Huntington Prize Reports (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Hurricane Katrina (Advance Fee Fraud)
ICEP Holocaust money (Advance Fee Fraud)
IER and Professor Kensington (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Igor Palputin (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
iKobo SMS (Advance Fee Fraud)
Ilian Gabriel (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
ILS (Lotteries)
ILS German Lotto (Lotteries)
I.M.M.A Financial Services (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Immediate Wealth - Office of Administration (Lotteries)
Imperial Imports Ltd (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Impex Consult Financial Consulting Group (Employment Schemes)
Incentive Merchandise Liquidation (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Independent Fund for the Distribution of Unclaimed Wins (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Industry and Commerce - Register of Business Information (Directory Listings and Registry)
Instant Cash (Employment Schemes)
Institute of Experimental Research (I.E.R) (Lotteries)
International Assurance & Guaranty (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Award Payment Centre (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Awards Bureau (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Awards Treasury (Lotteries)
International Biographical Centre (Directory Listings and Registry)
International Centre for Financial Leaders (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Cheques Clearing House (Lotteries)
International Claims Administration (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Designer World (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Diamond Association - Unregistered (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Express Awards (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Fund for Cash Gains (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Leather Shop (Lotteries)
International Lotto Commission (Advance Fee Fraud)
International Settlements Authority (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Shipping and Notification Centre (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Shipping Depot (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
International Special Offers (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Investment proposal email (Advance Fee Fraud)
IPD (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
IPG Prize Distribution Department (Lotteries)
Iraq Millions (Advance Fee Fraud)
Irish National Lottery (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Israeli Brokerage Services (Employment Schemes)
ISS Promo Direct Ltd (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Jim Owen agency (Overpayment)
Jivana (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Johann Christensen (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
John Latimore Wainwright (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Julie Haley (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Kingston and Strathmore (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Krysto De La Tour (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Lady Mary (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
La Primitiva (Advance Fee Fraud)
Laure Athol (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Law Enforcement Agency Scams (Advance Fee Fraud)
Leather Jacket scam (Buying and selling scams)
Lemonade diet (Fax Back)
Lise and Rose (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Liverpool Football Club promotion (Email)
LMGC Worldwide Cash Prizes Foundation (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Loria Peterson (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Lottery Emails (Advance Fee Fraud)
Lottery Swindle (Lotteries)
Lotterywest Promotions/Prize Award Centre (Advance Fee Fraud)
Louise Eridan (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Madame Arachnea (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Madame Soleil (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Maestro Zhandler (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Magdalena (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Maina Saha (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Maitre Norbu (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Mala Devi (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Malaysia Starize Travelling Group (select...)
Marc Smiths (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Maria de Fortune (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Maria de la Vega (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Maria Rosa (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Marie Callas (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Marie Desperance (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Markham Donnelly and Assoc (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Master Charli Chang's Dragon's Egg Miracle Maker (Overseas scams)
Master Zholtan (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
McDonald's Paid Survey (Email)
Mega Money (Lotteries)
Mercury Industries (Employment Schemes)
Michelle Alby (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Microsoft International Lottery (Advance Fee Fraud)
Mikael (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Mike Fitzgerald (Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes)
Milka Petrovna (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Mineralis (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Miss Celeste (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Miss Malinda (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Monetary Controls Office (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Monetary Prize Payment Agency (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Money Transfer Schemes (Employment Schemes)
Monica Goldstein (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Monies Advisory (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Morgan Registry Depot (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Morgan Samuels Haggerty (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Mystery Shopping Inc (Employment Schemes)
National Awards Advisory Center (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
National Awards Clearinghouse (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
National Awards Commission (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Nations Welfare Foundation (Employment Schemes)
Nelchael (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Net Direct Electronics (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Nigerian Scam (Advance Fee Fraud)
Nigerian scam refund (Advance Fee Fraud)
Norden United Limited (Employment Schemes)
North American Award Centre (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Northwest WA Business Directory/Southwest WA Business Directory (Directory Listings and Registry)
Norway Consulting Group (Employment Schemes)
Nostradamus Research Centre (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
NT Society (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Nuova Tech Society Neo-Tech Publishing Company Inc (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Oedel Casino Development (select...)
Office of Property Administration (Overseas scams)
Office of Unallocated Awards at Sweepstakes International (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
OGGM Grand Millionaire Winners Office (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Olivia Roy's Future Newspaper (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
O.M.G.A. Mondial Transport Express (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Online car sales scam (buyer) (Buying and selling scams)
Opportunities Unlimited Publications (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Organisation Centre of Financial Gain (O.C.F.G) (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Organization for the Worldwide Distribution of Gains (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
ORGG (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
ORPB (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Overseas subscribers Agents/USA Mega Jackpots (Lotteries)
P.A.I.D (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Paloma Summer (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Pat Griffin (Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes)
Paul Collins (Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes)
Paul Richmond (Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes)
Paul Ritter (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Payment Facilitation Services (Overseas scams)
Payment Processing Bureau (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Payment Reporting Systems (Lotteries)
Payment Resources Group (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
PayPal - Fast Easy Money (Chain Letters / Pyramid Schemes)
PayPal security email (Email)
Peter Popoff (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Power Lotto (Advance Fee Fraud)
Premium Awards Office (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Presidential Whos Who (Directory Listings and Registry)
Primitiva Award or Lottery (Advance Fee Fraud)
Princess Diana Universal Promo (Advance Fee Fraud)
Princeton Premier.Com (Directory Listings and Registry)
Prize Admin and Payments (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Prize Distribution Commission (PDC) (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Prize Giveaway (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Prize Payments (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Prize Power Promotions (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Prize Settlement Headquarters (PSH) (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Prize World Incorporated (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
ProActive Pharmaceuticals (Employment Schemes)
Professional Premiums of Utrecht (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Professor Djemaro (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Professor James Golden (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Professor Messidor (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Professor Poona (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Project 21 (Employment Schemes)
Promo Direct Ltd (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Promotional Fax Offers (Fax Back)
Prosperity International (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Puppy for Sale (Buying and selling scams)
Puzzles 4 Cash (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Quick Cash (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Quik Drop International (Employment Schemes)
RAC Finance Limited scam (Employment Schemes)
Rachel (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Radia (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Ready Riches Contest (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Rebecca (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Rebecca - druid magician (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Rental and Share Accommodation (Buying and selling scams)
Research Group Concerning the Miracles of Lourdes (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
River Partners (Employment Schemes)
Romance scams (Advance Fee Fraud)
Ronald McDonald House Charities Ukraine (Employment Schemes)
Rose Hart (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Rutger, Feinstein, Rohrbach & Stern Ltd (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Ryan Willor (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Saint Alto Research Centre (Overseas scams)
Sandra Rochefort (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Sara Bride (Uncategorised)
Sara Freder (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
SARS fax survey (Fax Back)
Secret Shoppers (Employment Schemes)
Security Dispatch Ltd (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
SEEK job resume (Employment Schemes)
SEEK job scams (Email)
Selective Awards Reporting Agency (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Senora Diaz - Swiss Clairvoyant (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Sentinel Marketing Group (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Serena (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Shell Petroleum International Lottery Promo (Advance Fee Fraud)
Shipping fee scam (Overpayment)
SIAL (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Sir Dennis Thatcher (Advance Fee Fraud)
Smaranda (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
S.O.F.T. Society for the Organisation of Fund Transfers (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Sophie Bardot (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Spaniards Loot (Advance Fee Fraud)
Spectres of Ill Omen (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Sports Arbitrage/Prediction Software Schemes (Uncategorised)
Steinberg Investments Inc (Employment Schemes)
Stolen property fax scheme (Fax Back) (Telemarketing)
Supreme Council of 12 (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Supreme Financial Services (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Swiss Institute for Holistic Medicine (Advance Fee Fraud)
Swiss Invest (Employment Schemes)
Telstra fax scam (Directory Listings and Registry)
Thomas Lyson (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
TNT Courier Service (Advance Fee Fraud)
Tony Williams Johnson (Advance Fee Fraud)
Trademark Publishers (Directory Listings and Registry)
Transaction Handling Agent (Employment Schemes)
Transglobal Commercial Services (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Transnational Awards Division (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
TransNational Trade Consortium of Nova Scotia (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Transworld Property Repository (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Trigon Partners (Employment Schemes)
Ugandan "plea for help" scam (Advance Fee Fraud)
UK Modulus Invest (Employment Schemes)
UK National Lottery Sweepstake (Advance Fee Fraud)
Ukrainian Folk Instruments Sales (Employment Schemes)
Vinci Seven Pentacles of Happiness (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers)
Vishing (Email)
War poll (Fax Back)
Westernfield Holdings Inc (Telemarketing)
Who's Who in Australia Registery (Directory Listings and Registry)
Willington Pierce Brothers (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Willoughby and Johnson (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Win a Lotus (Fax Back)
Win a Porsche (Fax Back)
Winners Circle (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Winners Location Corp/Smithhaven (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Winning Centre (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Winterthur Asset Company (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
World Business Directory - World Business Guide (Directory Listings and Registry)
World Medal of Freedom (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
Worldwide Cash Registry (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
World Wide Distribution Centre (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
www.SRC (Prize Awards and Merchandise Schemes)
XOOM Global (Employment Schemes)
Yahoo Lottery Inc (Advance Fee Fraud)
Yellow Pages 21st Century Sweepstakes (Overpayment)
Zimbabwe Appeal (Advance Fee Fraud)
Zolar (Psychics Clairvoyants and Fortune-tellers) More Coming Sooon.............