Wednesday, 13 July 2011

New Google Adsense Approval Tricks 2012-2013

New Google Adsense Approval Tricks 2012-2013

Adsense Account Approval Problems ( Page Type and Under construction) Solution ;)
How to Get Google Adsense Account Approval
Getting approved by Adsense is not always a straightforward process and if you are not lucky you may have to try several times and wait many months before your website finally gets approved. From my personal experience is really hard nut to achieve it.
As the number of websites from all over the world applying for AdSense grows by the thousands daily, Google keeps defining stricter and stricter rules for acceptance into the program. A few months ago it was much easier for websites to be approved for the program but these days it appears to keep getting progressively more and more difficult.
Common Reasons for Google Adsense Account Disapproval
Google does not always give a lot of details about why they have chosen not to accept a website. Their explanations are usually very brief and oftentimes not very helpful. Two of the most common reasons for rejection that are usually encountered are:
· Page Type
· Under construction

· Page Type

There are three common variants of the details of the “Page Type” message.
§ Variant 1

Page type: Your website is a type of website that we do not currently accept into our program. Such websites include, but are not limited to, chat sites, sites that drive traffic through cybersquatting, and sites that use excessive keywords in the content or code of their pages.

§ Variant 2

Page type: We are unable to approve your AdSense application at this time because we feel that your site does not comply with the Google webmaster quality guidelines. More specifically, we believe that your site does not add value or provide unique content.

§ Variant 3

Ø Your website must be your own top-level domain ( and not
Ø You must provide accurate personal information with your application
that matches the information on your domain registration.
Ø Your website must contain substantial, original content.
Ø Your site must comply with Google AdSense program policies
In a vast majority of cases we have seen, the Adsense page type problem appears to be caused by:
v Not enough content: Original Posts are less than 20 or 30 (sometimes you may need more)
v Substantial Copied content: Too much copied posts without modification
v Inappropriate content: Hacking, porn and other banned sites
v Keyword and meta tag stuffing: Too many repeated keywords in your HTML meta tags, posts, titles, post tags and labels
v Site too new: In some countries Google requires that a website must have been in existence (and regularly updated) for at least six months before being considered for Adsense. The complete list of these countries has not been revealed by Google. All they tell us is that “In some locations, including China and India, we require publishers to have owned their sites for 6 months.”
v and not Your website must be a full domain or sub domain (e.g or and not a sub page (e.g
Solution to the Adsense Page Type Problem:
There is solution to post more posts (like 3 to 5 a day for one week), then wait for another one week for Google to index the new posts and then apply again. Please make sure that you have properly modified the posts according to what was described. If it doesn’t work the first time, keep doing it again and again and it will eventually work.
you will need to check the content of your website for originality and appropriateness. You may also want to visit the adsense forums for more help.

· Under Construction
We’ve found that your site’s pages are incomplete or under construction. We require websites to be launched and navigable before being considered for AdSense. Your site must also contain enough content for our specialists to review, and to display relevant ads. Once the majority of your site is complete and functional, we’ll be happy to reconsider your application.

Solution to the Adsense “Under Construction” Problem:
In my experience, the common causes of this error is when the links to the main (or sometimes even all the pages on the website are not available on each page) or when there are too few pages (less than 5) and the links to these pages are not on every page.
For a Blogspot blog: this can easily be solved by adding the Archive widget and setting the options according to the below image. These settings may be modified after your website has been approved.
For WordPress users: adding a sitemap plugin to your website would help.

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